
Showing posts from 2021


THE ART OF STRATEGIC COLLABORATION As humans, we are quick to point on how superior we are to other animals. Ofcourse we are, there is no doubt about that. Part of our behavior to each other is however questionable especially from a leadership standpoint. Our closest relations, the chimpanzees, beat us by far when it comes to collaboration and advancing the greater good of the public cause. Given a choice between cooperation and selfish competition, these primates stand to instinctively go for the good of all rather than selfish gain. Dominance for the sake of self agrandizement is punishable regardless of how senior a member of the troop one might be. A culture of complementing, complimenting and completing each other is pushed rather than one of competing for the sake of mere competition. When chimpanzees are under threat, they fight their way together through concerted communication, cooperation and courageous execution for the benefit of all. Isn't it amazing that as superio...


SIGNATURE YOUR WORK WITH EXCELLENCE The weaver bird is a specialised bird with great artistry when constructing her nest. She diligently selects a special type of grass and engages in her work step by step. When the assignment is completed after many days, the home stands as a marvel. It's difficult to imagine how such a small bird applies principles of Physics and Mathematics to come up with the nest. The finishing is forever mouth watering. One is tempted look for and attend such a school that produces effective executors. The bottomline is that the bird signatures everything it does with EXCELLENCE. No matter the field of expertise you find yourself, strive at applying the very best in whatever you do. Today the weaver bird teaches us a piece of wisdom; Whatever you do, do it excellently. #wisdom #weaverbird #NoahMangwarara #PositivelylmpactingHumanity


We continue to work with top executives and management teams to facilitate Strategic thinking. We use our leadership and team building expertise to enhance collaboration and set strategic direction. We assist in building a blueprint for the establishment that can be used at all levels. We simplify complexity to come up with short, specific, simple and sincergoals that propel to something big. #strategyfacilitation #strategyfacilitator #executivecoaching #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #teambuilding #motivationalspeaker #leadershipcoach #personalcoaching #noah #mangwarara #positivelyimpactinghumanity #positively #impacting #humanity


Every crisis requires a type of leadership that is FEARLESS. Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? This bird has eyes that are open and ears that are sensitive to the goings on before a major change. lnterestingly, whilst the other small birds and animals are clueless of the impending danger, the eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. This constitutes readying oneself for the storm. When the storm hits, the eagle opens its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. The eagle literally turns the catastrophe into an opportunity. When the storm rages beneath, the eagle is soaring above it. The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. This is a fearless approach to what is considered to be danger by many. When the storms of life come upon us–and all of us will experience them, how do you respond? Do you run ab...


LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM BIBLICAL WOMEN JOCHEBED - Moses' Mother The story of Jochebed can be summarised by a simple statement, "Never neglect young life." Young life is the seed of the future, it is the hope of the world. Pharaoh's shallow idea of power was oppression. Real leadership's thrust and focus ought to be contribution instead. The preservation of life and advancement of civilization is the central point of leadership. lt doesn't matter if one has a title, position or otherwise, as long as there is no sensitivity to the demands of the future contained in young life, then there is no leadership. Transition into a better future and the continuous investment in that future is the central law of human existence. Leaders exist as the drivers of that cause. Jochebed, Moses' mother, falls in the category of the great leaders who are not known far beyond the confines of their households but whose contribution lives for many generations. Parents may...


We are committed to transforming minds and spaces through #leadershiptraining #strategyfacilitation #managementtraining #teambuilding #motivationalspeaking #leadershipdevelopment #executivecoaching #personalcoaching #PositivelylmpactingHumanity is our motto.


Don't apologize for expressing passion and doing what you are called to do. Your talent is for the betterment of civilization. Don't back down when it comes to your calling. Remain focused, with deep intention on the value you want to offload; whether they understand or otherwise, even if they approve or not. Don't let anyone undermine your standards because they have no idea of the cause unto which you were brought here. You are not a place holder but a special contributor to the history of the world. Be a character of excellence, NOT excuses because your time is now to write the lines that will be read later of what a person uniquely endowed with a solution provision can accomplish in a lifetime. #positivelyimpactinghumanity


Society needs watchers as well as workers. The young woman, Miriam, probably in her early teenage years, was given an assignment to watch over a basket placed between the reeds by the banks of the Nile River. The basket contained the very future of lsrael. Her assignment required diligence, courage and patience. lt needed a leader with the ability to see and appreciate what was at stake. Miriam's assignment was a destiny assignment with generational consequences. She stood there, afar off from the basket so as not to raise suspicion but not too far so that she could clearly see the goings on. lt called for a lot of patience on her part especially given her young age; she rose to the ocassion and she kept on watching. Day after day, she stood by, watching as always. Hers was a big assignment she could not afford to falter. lf anyone had passed by the point where Miriam was engaged in her destiny assignment, they would have condemned her as an idler and probably as someone who l...


Everyone wants the best in life but many do not value the PROCESS that gets us there. We have placed too much emphasis on the event but neglect the steps that leads to the event. Great results are always a function of what happens behind the scenes. The great sportspersons invest massively in training before the competition. The student studies to master the concepts before the examination. The child falls several times before mastering the art of walking properly. A woman conceives today but the child comes nine months later. lt is easy for me to predict the type of person you will be in five years time by merely looking at what you commit yourself to. l do not have to be a prophet nor a rocket scientist to know with almost hundred percent accuracy. l just have to know how the concept of process operates. The person who values the process will always attain anything they desire in life. Talent on its own is not enough. You require commitment over the long haul to make it count. A...


LEADERSHIP CONVERSATION with Dr. Cardwell Nyaungwa "THE ABILITY TO THRIVE IN CHAOS CALLS." This is a critical moment in the history of humanity. Every time there is a crisis, those who live within it experience shock and confusion. lt is only afterwards that it appears as though it was a simple passage. The good thing is that crisis moment come and they go. There is nothing new under the sun; seasons come and seasons go. lt is the duty of leaders to chart the course in each season that humanity passes through. The duty of every leader is to seek peace, and deal in Hope in such a difficult season. To the leader in any sector, the ability to thrive in chaos calls. We are leaders in times of peace and still leaders in times of war. Sun Tzu had this to say; a leader who is ready in times of peace will be ready in times of war." If your emotional, spiritual, intellectual banks etc are empty by the time disaster strikes, there is no telling what the outcome shall be. We...


SERVING ONE'S GENERATION WITH DISTINCTION IS A CHOICE lt is said of David that he served the purposes of God in his generation then he fell asleep (Acts 13 vs. 36). Many years after David had died, with many generations having come and gone, the great Dr. Luke made mention of the exploits of David when the Biblical Book of Acts was written. There is something special that David did during his generation which was worth mentioning several generations later. Amidst the mishaps and misteps in his life, the level of service that David offloaded stood out. Within every generation must emerge men and women who stand to make a difference in a unique way. These are the people who will be made mention of because of their contribution to civilization. They are not necessarily born with a silver spoon in their mouths but they choose to transform their various spaces by their deeds. These are the men and women who know fully well that they cannot change the manner and circumstances they ca...


CONVERSATION ON LEADERSHIP with Dr. Phil Tsvangira LIFE IS A WONDERFUL SCHOOL- learn at the feet of everyone Life is an educational institution without physical buildings where the learning is taking place continuously. The highways and byways are the boards from which the wisdom for human existence is dispensed. The teachers come in the form of anyone and everyone. We have the mistaken notion that wisdom lies with those people who have made it greatly in life but ideas are free flowing. ldeas never monopolize the minds of people with wealth, positions or power. Every day is a day for learning and those who choose to be taught in the lifelong school stand to be effective if they apply the knowledge that life offloads. These are some of the wisdom nuggets that emerged from my conversation with Dr Phil Tsvangira, a leadership development expert and pastor on the ocassion of his birthday. As one grows older, wisdom tends to increase. That is exactly what emerged from the conversatio...
GREAT LEADERS ARE SHAKERS AND SHAPERS I subscribe to the fact that everyone is born to be a LEADER. It is unfortunate however that many people pass through life without realization of the immense potential locked within them. There is need for men and women who rise to the grand stage and shake foundations of the status quo. You are here to transform your spaces as a leader, parent, manager, worker, entreprenuer or as a world citizen. How then do we influence and shake our spaces? The starting point in being a SHAKER is to see the end from the beginning. Difference makers are driven by the ability to see a better future before it manifests. They are great visionaries and seers of a new dawn. ln the year 1885, a certain Bishop preached a powerful message to the effect that the world was coming to an end in the next few years. His argument was very simple; everything that could ever be invented had been invented to that particular date. Amongst the congregants were his two sons who ...


Think ldeas "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced." (Swami Vivekananda) Every takented personality rose to greatness upon realizing that the talent they possess require a spark to set everything in motion. That ignition come through thinking of ideas to set the talent on an upward trajectory. To anyone desiring to see the best of their talents maximized, think of ideas within your sphere of operation. Think of those ideas that help improve your knowledge base and hence make you wiser. Think of ideas that help you improve both personally and professionally. The difference between two individuals with the same level of talent comes down to the ideas that they process. ldeas have the power of focusing your attention on what ...


YOU CAN ATTAIN NEW LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS IF YOU SO CHOOSE "I was not a messiah, but an ordinary man who had become a leader because of extraordinary circumstances." (Nelson Mandela) May the circumstances around you push you to develop the leadership potential resident within. #leadershipdevelopment #leadershiptraining #noahmangwarara #leadershipcoach #motivationalspeaker #positivelyimpactinghumanity


THINK AND PLAN AHEAD The future is unfolding one minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time, week by week, month by month and year by year. lt's only logical to devise a GAME PLAN for the future which is unfolding every minute. Before tomorrow becomes another today, do something about it. We are there to take you through the paces. #strategyfacilitation #strategyformulation #strategyandtransformation #strategyalignment #motivationalspeaking #motivationalspeaker #personalmastery #noahmangwarara #strategyfacilitator #positivelyimpactinghumanity #leadershipdevelopment #teameffectiveness


Brighten the dark corner of the world you see yourself in. Open your eyes, awake and convert something that will make your space better. You are in that space for a reason. The moment light appears in a dark place, the darkness has no power to withstand. Never dim the light in you. Go to an elevated platform instead and allow whatever is in you to beam far and wide. No one will do it for you. "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn." (lsaiah 60 vs. 1) #positivelyimpactinghumanity #noahmangwarara #leadershipcoach #motivationalspeaker #2021newhorizons


The Eagle has an exceptional sense of sight that is five times more than a human being. An eagle can see a rabbit that is five kilometres away with such clarity through the binocular effect that is exerted by the eyes. The eagle's eye can zoom images to a point where it becomes practically impossible to miss it's prey. As we go through the year, it should be everyone's desire and prayer to have the vision, clarity and focus as exhibited by the eagle. What you focus on tends to expand. lt is such clarity that keeps you on your toes to achieve maximally. "And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf." (Genesis 37 vs 6-7) Great leaders are able to forge into the future to take images of how the future looks like before they come back to lead others to that fut...


*ARTICULATE THE VISION* *“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” (Jack Welch)* It is one thing to have big dreams but if the dream remains in the leader's head, then nothing much will materialize. The leader ought to write down the vision as a way of inspiring those who will be run like the Holy Book says. To what destination will they run to if the destination is not known? Articulation of a Vision becomes the starting point of all great accomplishments. ln 1923, Coca Cola was in only 5 countries and Robert Woodruff, the President of the company then declared; "Before l die, l would want everyone in the world to have tasted Coke." That was an almost impossible vision but through the drive and passionate execution of the vision, the declaration became a reality. First things first- have a vision and devise a game plan to achieve that vision.


Those who have climbed high mountains know fully well that you don't carry too much baggage. You only take the ideal equipment necessary for the climb. Having identified your mountain (GOAL), then concentrate on it until it becomes a reality. Total focus entails tackling the big projects first and knowing what to ignore. lt's not everything that comes your way which ought to be attended. You can't have it all in life. Rather be a master in one thing than try and be everything and miss out on what really matters. Paul says; "this one thing l do..." (Phil 3 vs. 13). What is the one thing you do?


*NATURE GIVES A LECTURE ON SYMBIOSIS* - The Ideal Strategic Approach We cannot measure the ability of a rabbit in climbing up a tree. Even if she practices for a thousand years, the rabbit will never beat the monkey at the game of climbing. The mole and mice are experts at burrowing underground. Snakes rather look for tunnels already dug by others. lts expecting too much to ask the snake to dig tunnels. Nature continues to give us free lessons on how we should lead our lives and operate our businesses. Ants, termites, bees and flies are almost of same size but having the ant trying to make honey like bees will all be disastrous. The opposite is equally true, even though the bees are workaholics, they cannot produce the results of the ant. ln the game of strategy, rather than trying to fight for supremacy in an area that is not your own, it is better to stick to the area of greatest strength and perfect such an area. Co-operation, Co-dependency and complementing each other in the broad...


Because the world is changing faster now than before, every leader must be an Agent of Change and Transformation. With the plethora of challenges, both internal and external, the leader must be on high alert and be prepared to make decisions on the run. The era of waiting to gather the twenty four company elders under one roof to make a decision that was meant to be made last month is long gone. Such a mode of making operating is fast becoming unnecessary and outdated tradition that has been overtaken by events. Alertness, Attention to detail, Adaptability and Action are the new buzzwords in leadership circles and they all relate to transformational thinking and execution. lt is about moving with the times. The leader must be alert to the needs and expectations of the various stakeholders, be attentive to detail relating to each of the players with diverse needs and quickly act to remain afloat. The leader who doesn't readily adapt in the current era will become extinct sooner ...


You can reach cutting edge in your leadership if you choose to sharpen the saw continuously. You have what it takes to reach pinnacle levels. #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #leadershiptraining #strategyfacilitation #strategyconsulting #motivationalspeaker #motivationalspeaking #personalmastery #noahmangwarara #PositivelylmpactingHumanity