
Showing posts from January 24, 2021


Everyone wants the best in life but many do not value the PROCESS that gets us there. We have placed too much emphasis on the event but neglect the steps that leads to the event. Great results are always a function of what happens behind the scenes. The great sportspersons invest massively in training before the competition. The student studies to master the concepts before the examination. The child falls several times before mastering the art of walking properly. A woman conceives today but the child comes nine months later. lt is easy for me to predict the type of person you will be in five years time by merely looking at what you commit yourself to. l do not have to be a prophet nor a rocket scientist to know with almost hundred percent accuracy. l just have to know how the concept of process operates. The person who values the process will always attain anything they desire in life. Talent on its own is not enough. You require commitment over the long haul to make it count. A...


LEADERSHIP CONVERSATION with Dr. Cardwell Nyaungwa "THE ABILITY TO THRIVE IN CHAOS CALLS." This is a critical moment in the history of humanity. Every time there is a crisis, those who live within it experience shock and confusion. lt is only afterwards that it appears as though it was a simple passage. The good thing is that crisis moment come and they go. There is nothing new under the sun; seasons come and seasons go. lt is the duty of leaders to chart the course in each season that humanity passes through. The duty of every leader is to seek peace, and deal in Hope in such a difficult season. To the leader in any sector, the ability to thrive in chaos calls. We are leaders in times of peace and still leaders in times of war. Sun Tzu had this to say; a leader who is ready in times of peace will be ready in times of war." If your emotional, spiritual, intellectual banks etc are empty by the time disaster strikes, there is no telling what the outcome shall be. We...


SERVING ONE'S GENERATION WITH DISTINCTION IS A CHOICE lt is said of David that he served the purposes of God in his generation then he fell asleep (Acts 13 vs. 36). Many years after David had died, with many generations having come and gone, the great Dr. Luke made mention of the exploits of David when the Biblical Book of Acts was written. There is something special that David did during his generation which was worth mentioning several generations later. Amidst the mishaps and misteps in his life, the level of service that David offloaded stood out. Within every generation must emerge men and women who stand to make a difference in a unique way. These are the people who will be made mention of because of their contribution to civilization. They are not necessarily born with a silver spoon in their mouths but they choose to transform their various spaces by their deeds. These are the men and women who know fully well that they cannot change the manner and circumstances they ca...