Everyone wants the best in life but many do not value the PROCESS that gets us there. We have placed too much emphasis on the event but neglect the steps that leads to the event. Great results are always a function of what happens behind the scenes. The great sportspersons invest massively in training before the competition. The student studies to master the concepts before the examination. The child falls several times before mastering the art of walking properly. A woman conceives today but the child comes nine months later.
lt is easy for me to predict the type of person you will be in five years time by merely looking at what you commit yourself to. l do not have to be a prophet nor a rocket scientist to know with almost hundred percent accuracy. l just have to know how the concept of process operates.
The person who values the process will always attain anything they desire in life. Talent on its own is not enough. You require commitment over the long haul to make it count. A lot of money or connections cannot take you far without the subsequent daily actions that enable value creation in the long run.
There is nothing that just becomes big overnight. Anything and everything great started small. If you start big, then you may not be able to sustain it because of lack of experience that would have gotten you there.
The only thing that starts at the top is a grave and it goes downwards. Everything that is worthwhile starts from the bottom and it grows. That Growth is the Process. Process equals pain. lt is the price of greatness. The journey to the Promised Land passes through the Red Sea and the wilderness.
Without commitment to the process in the long run, then there is nothing that will materialize.
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