
Showing posts from January 17, 2021


CONVERSATION ON LEADERSHIP with Dr. Phil Tsvangira LIFE IS A WONDERFUL SCHOOL- learn at the feet of everyone Life is an educational institution without physical buildings where the learning is taking place continuously. The highways and byways are the boards from which the wisdom for human existence is dispensed. The teachers come in the form of anyone and everyone. We have the mistaken notion that wisdom lies with those people who have made it greatly in life but ideas are free flowing. ldeas never monopolize the minds of people with wealth, positions or power. Every day is a day for learning and those who choose to be taught in the lifelong school stand to be effective if they apply the knowledge that life offloads. These are some of the wisdom nuggets that emerged from my conversation with Dr Phil Tsvangira, a leadership development expert and pastor on the ocassion of his birthday. As one grows older, wisdom tends to increase. That is exactly what emerged from the conversatio...
GREAT LEADERS ARE SHAKERS AND SHAPERS I subscribe to the fact that everyone is born to be a LEADER. It is unfortunate however that many people pass through life without realization of the immense potential locked within them. There is need for men and women who rise to the grand stage and shake foundations of the status quo. You are here to transform your spaces as a leader, parent, manager, worker, entreprenuer or as a world citizen. How then do we influence and shake our spaces? The starting point in being a SHAKER is to see the end from the beginning. Difference makers are driven by the ability to see a better future before it manifests. They are great visionaries and seers of a new dawn. ln the year 1885, a certain Bishop preached a powerful message to the effect that the world was coming to an end in the next few years. His argument was very simple; everything that could ever be invented had been invented to that particular date. Amongst the congregants were his two sons who ...