with Dr. Phil Tsvangira
LIFE IS A WONDERFUL SCHOOL- learn at the feet of everyone
Life is an educational institution without physical buildings where the learning is taking place continuously. The highways and byways are the boards from which the wisdom for human existence is dispensed.
The teachers come in the form of anyone and everyone. We have the mistaken notion that wisdom lies with those people who have made it greatly in life but ideas are free flowing. ldeas never monopolize the minds of people with wealth, positions or power. Every day is a day for learning and those who choose to be taught in the lifelong school stand to be effective if they apply the knowledge that life offloads. These are some of the wisdom nuggets that emerged from my conversation with Dr Phil Tsvangira, a leadership development expert and pastor on the ocassion of his birthday.
As one grows older, wisdom tends to increase. That is exactly what emerged from the conversation as real leadership wisdom for life and leadership emerged. The nuggets are worth adopting and live by as everyone strives at getting the best out of this short life we have on this side of the universe.
Any leader who is worth his/her salt is someone who realizes that learning is a never ending quest that ensures and promotes survival, success and significance. Such learning should take place at the feet of anyone and everyone.
The birthday man indicated on how he learnt from headmen in rural areas, infants in kindergarten, soldiers in barracks and grandmothers who never went to school.
"The young girl at your house whom you call your daughter is a source of great wisdom for leadership that you stand to be amazed at if you have a receptive heart," Dr Tsvangira shared. He went on to highlight on how the so-called uneducated cadres we interact with daily can propel any well-meaning leader to a higher level of effectiveness.
Wisdom for success in life and leadership resides everywhere. The good Dr indicated on how he learnt discipline from his friends in the security forces like soldiers and intelligence personnel. He even quoted the words of Bill Hybels when he said; "learn from people of other religions." On this one, it emerged that there is a lot of wisdom to learn from people of other religions. The value of consistency and dedication to a cause as espoused by other religions was emphasised on as a critical learning component to bring about value from one's leadership.
Of importance was the observation that background should never influence anyone who desires to make it in life. There is no need to worry about where you have been because you are not going there. Your background is a starting point to your destiny. There is nothing you can do about where you came from but there is everything you can do about where you are going and what legacy you will leave your descendants. The choice lies with you.
The great ltalian sculptor, painter, architect and engineer Michelangelo, at the ripe age of 87 said something so profound even after achieving greatly in his life when he said; "l am still learning." The question that every leader ought to ask continually is; "Am l still learning?"
To my brother, l wish you all the best in the years ahead. Be a learner for life. Remember the words of J.F Kennedy when he said; "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."
The Leadership Conversations are a series of talks engaged upon by Noah Mangwarara, your Leadership Coach, with various leaders in our communities, companies, churches, councils, cities and countries.
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