Because the world is changing faster now than before, every leader must be an Agent of Change and Transformation. With the plethora of challenges, both internal and external, the leader must be on high alert and be prepared to make decisions on the run. The era of waiting to gather the twenty four company elders under one roof to make a decision that was meant to be made last month is long gone. Such a mode of making operating is fast becoming unnecessary and outdated tradition that has been overtaken by events. Alertness, Attention to detail, Adaptability and Action are the new buzzwords in leadership circles and they all relate to transformational thinking and execution. lt is about moving with the times. The leader must be alert to the needs and expectations of the various stakeholders, be attentive to detail relating to each of the players with diverse needs and quickly act to remain afloat. The leader who doesn't readily adapt in the current era will become extinct sooner rather than later. lt's either you adapt or you die. Survival, Success and Significance demand that every leader be an Agent of Change & Transformation. A.C.T #PositivelylmpactingHumanity #NoahMangwarara
