What worked yesterday will not necessarily work in the coming year. The world has taken a shift and what took us HERE cannot take us THERE. We must quickly engage in lNNOVATION GEAR as we progress into the future. If ever there is one thing that the world requires from today, it is men and women who think outside the generic mode of doing things. We must think in other terms. We must think beyond the obvious. "Some men see things as they are and ask, "" Why?"" I dream things that never were and ask, ""Why not?"" (Robert F. Kennedy) Those who did great exploits in their spaces were like you and me and they decided to act differently. The seed of a difference maker lies within you. You cannot afford to be a photocopy of others. Be an original instead and innovate within your area of operation. As we plan and put in place the building blocks of 2021, think in terms of GROWTH. You cannot afford to be plying the same terrain. If you were operating within a small community, think of a city; if you were in one city, think of a country; if you were in one country, think of the continent and if you were operating within one continent, think global. Remember that you are a global citizen and the seed that you possess should go far and wide. We are all greatly endowed with massive talents and abilities but somehow we sit back and hope that the talent will improve on its own whilst seated. Build on your skills as we head into the future. Learn something new within the area of your specialty. The great sportspersons never stop practictising even after winnning a major championship. Refuse to sleep with the same level of ignorance that you wake up with. Keep building up on your capacities. Talent is not enough if not nurtured. l would rather have a tortoise that is moving than a rabbit that is stationary. The tortoise will reach her destination whilst the rabbit brags about how fast she can run. Real difference makers know that they have an obligation to contribute daily.
