
Showing posts from 2020






TURN THE PAGE AND DISCOVER NEW POSSIBILITIES After reading through a chapter of a book, always turn the page to the next chapter. lt doesn't matter how exiting the current chapter is; you can never tell how the story unfolds if you visit the same chapter daily. Most people get glued to tradition and fail to see possibilities of a new day. Yesterday's success has limited power to address the challenges of today. The best solution of the present becomes the problem of tomorrow. Leaders resist change to a higher degree as everyone else does. The desire to keep things as they are is high because we are naturally habitual. Progress comes from realization that the world is not static. We have been taught that change is the only constant and everyone has an obligation to grow and deal with the change. Even though dinasours were big, they went extinct because they failed to adapt alongside the changes in the environment. The story of the Swiss Watch manufacturers is well chronicled and...


The future is unfolding one minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time, week by week, month by month and year by year. lt's only logical to devise a GAME PLAN for the future which is unfolding every minute. Before tomorrow becomes another today, do something about it. We are there to take you through the paces. #strategyfacilitation #strategyformulation #strategyandtransformation #strategyalignment #motivationalspeaking #motivationalspeaker #personalmastery #noahmangwarara #positivelyimpactinghumanity #leadershipdevelopment #teameffectiveness


Limitations only exist if you impose them upon yourself. Many limit themselves on what they can accomplish in life because they are not aware. Anonymous has always been an amazing character on the comments she left behind everywhere she passed through. Be inspired to defy limitations by her comments. 1. “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.” 2. “The only limits that exist are the ones in your own mind.” 3. “You will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them.” 4. “No fear. No limits. No excuses.” 5. “Never limit yourself.” 6. “Sometimes, the best way to learn is to go beyond limits and set your own rules.” 7. “Your only limit is you.” 8. “There is no finish line. It’s a continuous journey and I’m always looking to push my limits.” 9. “Don’t set limits on your unlimited potential.” 10. “If you want it badly enough there are no limits to what you can achieve.”




GIVE IT YOUR ALL - LOVE, LEARN AND LIVE BEFORE YOU LEAVE Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Continue to contribute positively as long as it's called today. Living as if you were dying tomorrow doesn’t mean being reckless. lt means living today fully because tomorrow is not guaranteed. We are all in transition after all. Live today in the way you want to be remembered tomorrow. We are quoting Mahatma Ghandhi today because he lived ahead of his era and we remember him. ln what way and for what will they remember you? At the same time, we should learn as if we were to live forever. Learn not only the successes but also our failures. To have the curiosity of a child and live with passion and purposefully, as if every single thing we do makes a difference… and surely it does.


Life is too short to play small. Fasten your seat belts as we enter 2021 and be prepared to give it your all. Apply yourself fully. Add more firewood and make sure your impact in our generation is felt. You can ignite your space effectively if you intensify your efforts. Remember that you are the game changer that the world is looking up to in 2021. It is never about them but you. You have the capacity to transform your space if you so choose. When fire is ignited, some change happens. Think in terms of positive change. Think in terms of Transformation and act accordingly. The very person who can make your space great is you. Starting today, see yourself as an *A* gent of *C* hange & *T* ransformation *A.C.T* Above all else, signature your work with Excellence. “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted,or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven ...


What worked yesterday will not necessarily work in the coming year. The world has taken a shift and what took us HERE cannot take us THERE. We must quickly engage in lNNOVATION GEAR as we progress into the future. If ever there is one thing that the world requires from today, it is men and women who think outside the generic mode of doing things. We must think in other terms. We must think beyond the obvious. "Some men see things as they are and ask, "" Why?"" I dream things that never were and ask, ""Why not?"" (Robert F. Kennedy) Those who did great exploits in their spaces were like you and me and they decided to act differently. The seed of a difference maker lies within you. You cannot afford to be a photocopy of others. Be an original instead and innovate within your area of operation. As we plan and put in place the building blocks of 2021, think in terms of GROWTH. You cannot afford to be plying the same terrain. If you were oper...


It is important to look at how you fared in the year 2020. lt was indeed a difficult year because of limited movements. There are obviously some scores that came our way and some misses as well. There is need to check on where we stand. REFLECTION demands that we ask ourselves hard questions. The first thing is to ask if you have fully lived. l know you are very much alive and have sailed this far but there is a difference between maintaining the normal biological processes and value addition. Many pass through life as mere oxygen expenders without anything of significance coming out of their existence. Many are busy counting the years without creating anything meaningful with those years. Others die at the age of 22 and wait to be buried when they turn 70. ln between, there is nothing of value they are doing. Wasn't 2020 a year in similar fashion for you? DID I LOVE? We are here for the benefit and welfare of others and you have to ask yourself if you really loved. For those wi...


lt doesn't matter what they may call you or the label they might give you, you are still a unique part of God's creation. You are here for a great cause. That cause entails adding value to civilization in your special way. It's not so much about what they think is best, it comes down to aligning with what your Maker send you to earth to do. Adam must tend his garden using the creativity that he was given by God. The ability to create also lies in you. Play your part because you are gifted for what you are asked to do. # *NoahMangwarara* # *PositivelylmpactingHumanity*


Charles Darwin somehow lived ahead of his time with profound words like; "lt's not the strongest of species, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change that survives." Change is the only constant in every aspect of earthly existence whether in the animal kingdom or amongst humans. Organisations that do not adapt to their changing environment will slow down and ultimately die. History is replete with many once viable and vibrant establishments that sunk into oblivion because of their failure to adapt to change. ln the animal kingdom, one creature that has developed strategic adaptations for survival is the chameleon. These very adaptations, if fully applied and adopted in human circles, survival is guaranteed and at times real success and significance. The swivelling eyes of the chameleon enables it to pinpoint on potential prey. The colour changing skin enables it to blend in a way that ensures total camouflage from predators. The long tongue which i...


DON'T LOOK BACK - YOU ARE NOT GOING THERE Many people have a problem with priorities. They lack total loyalty to what matters. Their attention is diverted, with their hearts divided between many options and opinions. May your “commitment” to a cause show total Devotion, Direction, Dedication, Discipline, Determination and Denial of self-interest. The problem of looking back is nothing new, it is as old as Lot’s wife, who disobeyed the Lord and longingly looked back at the burning cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. She turned into a lump of salt because she decided to look where she wasn't going. Don’t yearn for what doesn't matter. Leave such things behind. Focus on what counts. Pay attention to what's beneficial. Set your priorities right and keep pushing for the bigger and better realities. #noahmangwarara #motivation #inspiration #positivelyimpactinghumanity


BE A STUDENT FOR LIFE Learning something new and seeking knowledge and wisdom is a key part of constantly improving. Strive at being a better You today than you were yesterday. So keep seeking new knowledge and inspiration every day. Commit to continuous learning. Engage great minds, present and past. Have conversations with thought leaders, friends and learn new stuff in the process. Never, ever stop learning and you’ll always keep improving yourself. Refuse to sleep with the level of ignorance that you wake up with. It doesn't matter your age, the mind can still accomodate something new as long as you are alive. #PositivelylmpactingHumanity #noahmangwarara #motivation #inspiration #learning


GROW UP - DO AWAY WITH CHILDISH BEHAVIOUR Isn't it amazing to come across men and women with hefty titles who behave like kids? The highly qualified with a lot of papers to back them up still display kindergarten stuff. It's unfortunate that even grandparents who are meant to be cisterns of wisdom speak like kids. Many are sixteen year olds at heart with a sixty year old body. Others are seventy only before they open their mouths, they are seven. True leadership maturity doesn't come by age, qualifications or positions. lt comes from conscious choices that are made every day to be a responsible one upon the face of the earth. Your grey hair does not make you mature as long as you still go back to play with mud like a five year old. The time is now for us to put away childish ways. Now that we consider you to be grown up, Think like a LEADER, speak like a LEADER, behave like a LEADER. #noahmangwarara #positivelyimpactinghumanity