Charles Darwin somehow lived ahead of his time with profound words like; "lt's not the strongest of species, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change that survives." Change is the only constant in every aspect of earthly existence whether in the animal kingdom or amongst humans. Organisations that do not adapt to their changing environment will slow down and ultimately die. History is replete with many once viable and vibrant establishments that sunk into oblivion because of their failure to adapt to change. ln the animal kingdom, one creature that has developed strategic adaptations for survival is the chameleon. These very adaptations, if fully applied and adopted in human circles, survival is guaranteed and at times real success and significance. The swivelling eyes of the chameleon enables it to pinpoint on potential prey. The colour changing skin enables it to blend in a way that ensures total camouflage from predators. The long tongue which is the same size as the body, with the elastic effect, comes out at lightning speed to grab prey. Rarely does prey within reach escape from this electric biological organ. The lengthy and magnetic tongue compensates for the slow speed of the chameleon, proving the need to maximize on the strengths and abilities. The legs can lock into branches to a point where predators find it difficult to remove the chameleon from branches where they hold unto. These adaptations of chameleons plus much more can be used as a source of inspiration in strategy formulation and implementation especially by business organisations. The swivelling eyes are a pointer to the need for attention to detail as a way of building up a sound strategy based on indepth information. The revolving eyes of the chameleon enables it to see 360 degrees; the eyes have the ability of seeing ahead and behind. The strategist living in an environment of complexity and rapid change must have eyes that see and ears that are on the ground to connect with the heart of things. Overlooking details can be costly and catastrophic. Fresh set of eyes ought to be engaged from time to time to assist in bringing out a different perspective to the goings on, bringing into perspective what has been and what can be. Strategy is not static. Leaders are charged with the responsibility of creating the future after assessing what is currently prevailing and the subsequent determination of the opportunities that exist in the environment. After assessing and analysing the environment, the chameleon changes colour as a way of blending in. At the heart of strategy formulation is the asking of critical questions as to the progress that has been made, the extent to which you have fallen off the mark and the relevance of strategic focus areas as you head into the future. Questions as to what is happening in the environment are equally paramount if ever survival and continuity are to be realized. Dealing with complex, rapid and discontinuous change requires the ability to develop effective strategies through the process of Abandonment of what no longer works, Adjustment of certain areas, Active vigilance, Allocation of resources and Advancing into the future. Dinasours were huge living creatures that went extinct because of failure to adapt. Any organisation, nomatter how big, that fails to continuously align and adjust to change will sooner or later fall on the wayside. #noahmangwarara #strategy #strategyformulation #positivelyimpactinghumanity
