THE ART OF STRATEGIC COLLABORATION As humans, we are quick to point on how superior we are to other animals. Ofcourse we are, there is no doubt about that. Part of our behavior to each other is however questionable especially from a leadership standpoint. Our closest relations, the chimpanzees, beat us by far when it comes to collaboration and advancing the greater good of the public cause. Given a choice between cooperation and selfish competition, these primates stand to instinctively go for the good of all rather than selfish gain. Dominance for the sake of self agrandizement is punishable regardless of how senior a member of the troop one might be. A culture of complementing, complimenting and completing each other is pushed rather than one of competing for the sake of mere competition. When chimpanzees are under threat, they fight their way together through concerted communication, cooperation and courageous execution for the benefit of all. Isn't it amazing that as superio...